Refunds and Cancellations – Non-emergency
If you cannot attend the Conference, you may transfer your registration to another attendee, request a refund, or leave the fee paid with SBI as payment towards a place at the same event that takes place within the 13 months following the originally booked event. However, requests to leave fees to apply to a future conference must be received no less than 30 days prior to the conference opening date. 

There will be no penalty for cancellations received on or before the date 30 days prior to the first day of an annual conference. The full amount paid minus a 10% processing fee will be refunded. No membership fee will be refunded.

A $25 fee will be assessed with the original registrant for transfers of registration to another attendee for the same conference.

A cancellation fee of 50% of registration costs will be applied for cancellations received between 29 to 10 days before the annual conference.

No refund will be issued for cancellations received less than 10 days before the first day of the annual conference, unless in accordance with the Emergency Policy below. Transfers can only be made if requested by a deadline of 10 days prior to the conference. 

All cancellations, requests for transfer or requests to apply payment to future conferences must be sent in writing via e-mail or regular mail to the conference registrar. Telephone requests will not be honored. Please fax or email cancellations, if possible, and expect confirmation within two days. If necessary to cancel by USPS, please allow sufficient time for a response.

SBI is not responsible for problems beyond our control such as weather conditions, campus conditions, prepaid parking, prepaid tours, etc. No refunds will be given in these situations. The final decision on refunds rests with the SBI President and Treasurer.

Emergency Illness or Death of Registrant or Immediate Family Member
Refunds may be granted if an attendee is unable to attend the conference due to a family death, illness, or other extraordinary circumstance.  In such a circumstance, the Main Office must be contacted by phone, letter or e-mail. If initial notification is by phone, it must be followed up in writing. Refunds will still be subject to the 10% processing fee and the membership fee will be retained.

Author Refunds
Authors who have their papers included in the Conference Proceedings are not eligible for a refund once the Proceedings are finalized.  Authors may receive a refund by the normal means above if they withdraw any submitted papers before they are included in electronic or hard-copy proceedings. 



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